Celebrating 10-10-10 with Transition Town Charlotte

I was privileged to participate in a tree planting project -- 10 trees on 10/10/10 -- organized by Transition Town Charlotte in conjunction with 350.org.  350.org, organized by Bill McKibben and Middlebury College students, enlisted hundreds of thousands of people in 188 countries and throughout the U.S. to take part in more than 7300 events to call attention to the fact that the max sustainable CO2 concentration in the Earth's atmosphere is 350 ppm.  Currently it is around 390 ppm, which is contributing to global warming and climate change.  See more at http://www.350.org/en/about/science and http://www.350.org/en/node/17812

Yantachka Endorsed by Vermont League of Conservation Voters

The Vermont League of Conservation Voters has endorsed Mike Yantachka in his bid for the Chittenden 1-2 House seat representing Charlotte and part of Hinesburg.  This decision was based on a series of factors that include responses to the VT LCV candidate questionnaire and incumbents’ score on the VT LCV environmental scorecard.

"Thank you for your willingness to serve Vermonters and for your support in protecting Vermont’s quality of life," wrote Todd Bailey, Executive Director of VT LCV, in a letter announcing the endorsement.

The VT LCV endorsement criteria can be found website, http://www.vtlcv.org/ by clicking on the “Elections” section, which contains a list of all the candidates the VT LCV endorsed this election cycle.