During last year's elections,
candidates across the state heard complaints about property tax
increases due to education spending. Decreasing enrollment and the
large number of school districts throughout the state (282) present
challenges to how our public schools are governed and funded. The
House Education Committee was reorganized this year with a new Chair
who previously served on the Ways & Means Committee and was the
recognized expert on school funding. Rep. Dave Sharpe of Bristol and
his committee have made a serious attempt to create policies that
would control spending and property tax increases. The resulting
Education bill (H.361) reflects a lot of tri-partisan work that will
reform education funding, spending and governance. The bill was
passed out of committee unanimously and achieved strong support when
it was voted on by the full House: 88 to 55.
- Creating larger education districts of at least 1100 students by 2019 unless a waiver is granted for special circumstances. The larger education districts comprised of existing smaller districts will share responsibility for educating all pre-K to grade 12 students. The State Board of Education may approve alternate configurations, including existing Supervisory Unions, as long as the proposal advances specific goals like equitable educational opportunities, stable leadership, the flexible and efficient use of resources, increased student-to-adult ratios, budgetary stability and less volatility for taxpayers, and community engagement.
- Financial support for reorganizing districts including access to grants up to $150,000 and temporary local property tax reductions ranging from $.08 in the first year to $.02 by the fourth year after consolidation.
- A temporary cap on local spending increases ranging from a 1.4% increase to 4.1%, depending on whether the district chooses to base the increase on its total spending amount or its per equalized pupil spending amount. For example, a district that spends exactly the statewide average (roughly $14,100) would be allowed a 2% increase. A district that spent more would have a lower cap; a district that spent less would have a higher cap.
- A moratorium is imposed on the legislature passing any new unfunded mandates on schools until 2017.
- For the year 2016 the statewide non-residential education property tax rate will be $1.525 and the residential rate will be $.98, the same as this year.